Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Even More Busyness!

Still feeling like a real musician! I've had so much music stuff going on over the last month and I am just busting to share it with you guys.

First up: East of Eden!

Here's a video of one of our shows at Zeal:


I am so lucky to be in a band with these guys. Every show we play together we get tighter as a band and as friends, and it's so much fun. The best part for me is being able to reach out and spread the word of God to the audience through our music- a guy who had alcohol and drug problems came up to us after and had a chat to us about stuff and it was awesome. It's great to know that people can take something away from our shows other than just a great time. It's the most amazing feeling having the crowd sing along to your songs live as well! The crowd looks a bit small in this video because the camera was sort of at the back edge of the circle pit haha.

We have some amazing shows coming up so it'd be amazing to see you there: 28th of August at Zeal, 4th of September at Zeal with SCARY KIDS SCARING KIDS (USA) and MISSION IN MOTION (AUS), and 9th of September at Ellen Melville Hall with ATTACK ATTACK (USA) and PIERCE THE VEIL (USA)! I'm so excited to be playing these big support slots. I feel so fortunate to be a part of the craziness that is EoE.

Speaking of craziness: Glee!

Here's a rehearsal video:


Glee has been consuming my life a little bit over the last couple of weeks, mainly because OUR SHOW IS HAPPENING THIS SATURDAY!

Get your tickets right hurr:

I'm actually so unbelievably excited about this show, and I'm pretty sure everyone else in the club is too. We've been rehearsing for ages and we can finally see it all coming together- we've definitely come a long way since the first rehearsal! Mega props to the exec team for taking the initiative and starting up something amazing.

Finally: My EP!

It's so close to being finished. Sort of. There are still some vocal bits to be recorded, but other than that it's pretty much ready to be mastered. The artwork is just about finished as well- I've been teaching myself how to use Photoshop, and as anyone who has ever tried this knows, it is incredibly frustrating. I think it is looking pretty cool though. I wish I could post up some samples or something but I'm writing this from a uni computer and everything is on my computer at home. But you will get the real thing soon. So very soon!

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